Fish with flat head
Fish with flat head

Of all mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and fish, flatfish are easily the most asymmetric. “Flatfishes are some of the weirdest vertebrates on the planet, and they got weird very, very fast by changing multiple traits at once over a short period of time,” says Kory Evans, an assistant professor of biosciences at Rice University who specializes in studying the evolution of fish over long timescales. Be sure to wipe down your counter afterwards, as the risk of cross-contamination is high when removing guts.If you’ve ever looked at a flatfish like a flounder or sole and wondered why both its eyes are on one side of its head, new research has your answer. Gutting can be a nasty process, so be sure to have a trash bin nearby that you can throw them into if not at the riverside.The smell of the guts can attract bears, eagles, and other fish-loving animals, though, so be aware of the wildlife in the area and take the necessary precautions, such as bringing a gun and having a place to retreat to. This can also be done with fresh fish at the body of water you caught it at, making it much easier to handle its guts and stomach contents.You should have a completely clean fish at this point, save for the skin. Remove the guts with your hands, wearing gloves, and use cold water to rinse out any left over insides.

fish with flat head

Professional Fishing Instructor Expert Interview. Starting from the tail, run your knife all the way along the fish's body towards the head and open the fish up. Cut the fish's stomach open to remove its guts.

Fish with flat head